Every crystal class is part of the six crystal systems. These are: orthorombic, tetragonal, monoclinic, triclinic, isomtric or cubic and hexagonal crystal systems. Each system has some characteristics, that help identify the. The only one thats sord of different is the hexagonal, because its broken in hexagonal divitions.
As I was saying, isometric or cubic has all 90 degree angles, and the formula is: a1=a2=a3, which means they are all the same. The other one is tetragonal, this one also has all angles 90 degree angles, and the formula is a1=a2≠c. The other one is hexagonal, and is the only one that has different divitions; it has 90 degree angles between a1-3 to c: 90˚ and angles between a axes are: 60˚ angles; its formula is: a1=a2=a3≠c.
Another crystal system is orthorombic, it has all 90 degree angles, and its formula is a≠b≠c. Then is monoclinic, and angles between a&b and b&c: 90 degree angles, and between c&a: 90 degree angles; its formula is a≠b≠c. And the last is triclinic, all angles are 90 degrees; its formula is a≠b≠c.
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